59 research outputs found

    Identification of variables and their Influence on the human resources planning in the territorial level

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper lies in the use of experimental way through empirical tools for identification of the set of variables and their interrelationships and influences on the human resources planning at the territorial level. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology used to verify the existence of the variables that affect the planning of human resources at the territorial level consists of two phases: a qualitative study of the variables that influence the planning of human resources, where the explicit variables are measured and/or implied raised in the literature analyzing the main contributions and limitations expressed by each of the authors consulted. Then it proceeds to confirmatory phase (quantitative) to prove the existence of the dimensions of the planning of human resources in the territorial level through the use of multivariate statistics through the combination of expert analysis and techniques of factorial grouping. Findings: Identification is achieved by using empirical methods, variables that affect human resources planning at the territorial level, as well as their grouping essential dimensions, while the description of a theoretical model that integrates the dimensions is made essential and relationships that affect human resource planning at the regional level, which is characterized by the existence of systemic and prospective nature. Originality/value: The literature shows two streams that address a wide range of approaches to human resources planning. The first is oriented from the business object and the second part of the management in highlighting a limited territorial level to address this latest theoretical development, an element that has contributed to the fragmented treatment of human resources planning and management in general at this level. The originality of this paper is part of the creation and adaptation, on a scientific basis of a theoretical model developed from the conceptual contribution of this process at the territorial level where the key variables that affect this process are integrated, highlighting the systemic approach prospective based on solid scientific foundations.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of Product Mix, Capacity Release and Utilities

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    The objective of the article is to present the design and application of a technique based on the Cost - Volume - Benefit method, in order to have economic - financial information of the right mix of products that allows achieving the expected results of the organization in a negotiation process. The proposed analysis has the usual components of the Cost - Volume - Benefit method, namely unit price, unit variable cost, operating expenses and financial expenses. The technique consists of ten steps that will lead to create as many scenarios as necessary in which the mix of products, the installed capacity and the profits of the organization will be evaluated, the ultimate goal of the same. These steps, through the formulations that allow their application, will explain the way to achieve the desired profits or the point of balance with a certain composition of products. The application is made in a small business consisting of a machining workshop. The results obtained show that the proposed technique allows the achievement of the stated objective, in the case that occupies a level of desired utilities. This research provides an economic-financial perspective so that entrepreneurs have the information required to prepare the negotiation processes and can make the most pertinent decisions in order to achieve the expected results.The objective of the article is to present the design and application of a technique based on the Cost - Volume - Benefit method, in order to have economic - financial information of the right mix of products that allows achieving the expected results of the organization in a negotiation process. The proposed analysis has the usual components of the Cost - Volume - Benefit method, namely unit price, unit variable cost, operating expenses and financial expenses. The technique consists of ten steps that will lead to create as many scenarios as necessary in which the mix of products, the installed capacity and the profits of the organization will be evaluated, the ultimate goal of the same. These steps, through the formulations that allow their application, will explain the way to achieve the desired profits or the point of balance with a certain composition of products. The application is made in a small business consisting of a machining workshop. The results obtained show that the proposed technique allows the achievement of the stated objective, in the case that occupies a level of desired utilities. This research provides an economic-financial perspective so that entrepreneurs have the information required to prepare the negotiation processes and can make the most pertinent decisions in order to achieve the expected results

    Análisis de la producción científica de Agroturismo desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad

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    Objetivo: El siguiente artículo tuvo como propósito describir las tendencias y el estado actual del Agroturismo, a partir de un estudio bibliométrico sobre la temática objeto de estudio en las últimas tres décadas, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque: La fuente de información utilizada fue la base de datos Scopus Database y los datos fueron procesados a través de la aplicación con base en el sistema open access de procesamiento de datos R Studio. Se emplearon, además, métodos teóricos como el análisis-síntesis e histórico-lógico; así como métodos empíricos como la observación científica, la entrevista no estructurada, y la triangulación de fuentes y métodos; lo que permitió revelar tendencias, regularidades, y las relaciones en el fenómeno objeto de estudio a partir de la información obtenida durante el proceso de investigación, así como arribar a conclusiones. Resultados/Discusión: Como resultado sentaron las bases para la profundización tanto teórica como práctica de la investigación sobre la base del análisis de indicadores bibliométricos. De 101 revistas que publican temas sobre gestión turística, sólo 10 muestran visibilidad con relación al Agroturismo en 210 artículos desde 1991, en diversas áreas del conocimiento científico. Conclusiones: Desde el estudio realizado se logró establecer una panorámica general de la temática objeto de estudio, así como describir el comportamiento de la producción científica del Agroturismo desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. Originalidad/Valor: Los hallazgos de esta investigación serán útiles para investigaciones futuras y para aportar, además, un basamento científico para la toma de decisiones estrategias en beneficio del sector turísticos y el desarrollo territorial sostenible

    Variables de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales

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    The future value of organizations depends on the economic performance linked to their level of response to social needs and interestgroups, as well as the type of relationship established with the environment in which it develops and influences. Thus, achieving high levels ofcorporate social responsibility (CSR) becomes a necessity for business success. This type of research is empirical. The research was aimed at identifying and validating the variables that condition and are related to CSR. The study considered in its methodology the design of an instrument based on referential research, which was applied to 778 workers. In the analysis, a structural equation model was proposed to identify associations and relationships for CSR. The evaluation of this model of structural equations and its validation through the confirmatory factorial analysis allowed to verify, as main conclusions, that corporate social responsibility presents a development conditioned by a multidimensional approach, where internal variables of the organization are manifested that show a significant level of correlation with the CSR that the organization’scustomers recognize, such as leadership, orientation strategy, organizational design, communication, the development of labor competences, organizational values and job satisfaction, keeping a close relationship with previous research.El valor futuro de las organizaciones viene determinado por sus resultados económicos junto con su nivel de respuesta a las necesidadesde la sociedad y los grupos de interés, así como por el tipo de relación que establezcan con el ambiente en el que se desenvuelve e influye. Así, alcanzar altos niveles de responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) se convierte en una necesidad para el éxito empresarial. Este tipo de investigación tiene un enfoque empírico. La investigación se orientó a identificar y validar las variables que condicionan y se relacionan con la RSC. El estudio consideró en su metodología el diseño de un instrumento a partir de investigaciones referenciales, el cual fue aplicado a 778 trabajadores. En el análisis se propuso un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para identificar las asociaciones y relaciones para la RSC. La evaluación de este modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y su validación a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio permitió constatar, como principales conclusiones, que la responsabilidad social corporativa presenta un desarrollo condicionado por un enfoque multidimensional,donde las variables internas de la organización muestran un nivel significativo de correlación con la RSC reconocida por los clientes de laorganización, como son el liderazgo, la orientación estratégica, el diseño organizacional, la comunicación, el desarrollo de competencias profesionales, los valores organizacionales y la satisfacción laboral, y guardan una estrecha relación con las investigaciones precedentes

    Sociometric Study of Intragroup Relations in a Work Group

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    The aim of this study is to explore intragroup relations in retail. The article conduct a sociometric analysis that takes into account labor and affective criteria, using the probability theory method and the UCINET program. In so doing the paper observe that the group, despite having been formally established for more than five years, does not display any solid indicators of high cohesion. The article observe that formal authority and informal leadership do not coincide and that there are two group factions in both criteria, which supports the finding of low cohesion. But despite these deficiencies in terms of cohesion, paper do not find any completely ignored or solitary individuals; as such, the group has established relations that can be improved. To this end, group cohesion should be promoted through a work design that facilitates interaction between individuals and rewards group results, all of which will serve to enhance the performance of this group.The aim of this study is to explore intragroup relations in retail. The article conduct a sociometric analysis that takes into account labor and affective criteria, using the probability theory method and the UCINET program. In so doing the paper observe that the group, despite having been formally established for more than five years, does not display any solid indicators of high cohesion. The article observe that formal authority and informal leadership do not coincide and that there are two group factions in both criteria, which supports the finding of low cohesion. But despite these deficiencies in terms of cohesion, paper do not find any completely ignored or solitary individuals; as such, the group has established relations that can be improved. To this end, group cohesion should be promoted through a work design that facilitates interaction between individuals and rewards group results, all of which will serve to enhance the performance of this group


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    En este trabajo se aborda la definición de atributos y el establecimiento de su importancia en el criterio de decisión de compra de los clientes, constituyen uno de los pasos fundamentales para el diseño de cualquier producto. Lo anterior constituye una problemática a la que se enfrenta un grupo amplio de profesionales de diversas áreas de conocimiento en Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. En  este  artículo  se  muestra  la utilidad y forma del análisis de conjunto como herramienta estadística para definir los atributos y la importancia  que  los  clientes  les  conceden  en  el  momento  de  tomar  una decisión. El resultado de la aplicación consistió en definir los atributos considerados por los clientes potenciales en la selección de un programa de formación de cuarto nivel en correspondencia con los cuales se realizará su diseño. PALABRAS CLAVE: Análisis de conjunto; Atributos; Diseño de producto. ABSTRACT This work is related with the definition of attributes and the establishment of its importance criteria in the customer decisions are one of the key steps in the design of any product. This is a problem faces by a large group of professionals from various fields of knowledge in Santo Domingo. In this paper shows the utility of Cluster Analysis as statistical tool to define the attributes and the importance that customers give them the time to make a decision. In this case, the application used to define the attributes considered in designing a training program for fourth level. KEYWORDS: Cluster Analysis; Attribute; Product design

    Structural equation model: influence on tourist satisfaction with destination atributes

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    Purpose – To present a model that expresses the relationships observed between a set of independent variables that condition overall satisfaction with a tourist destination, allowing to discover the potential for improvement of this indicator. Methodology – An instrument is designed to measure the satisfaction of tourists with a destination, starting from a list of attributes used in the literature that are submitted to the research of experts. A reliability analysis of the results and an evaluation of construct validity were performed. Through a confirmatory factor analysis, the factorial structure of the set of observed variables was identified. Finally, a structural equations model was created to understand the interrelationship between the variables considered in the study and their incidence in general satisfaction with the destination. Findings – The application of the instrument designed to the calculated sample allowed to identify the latent variables existing in the practical construct studied, identifying through the factorial analysis four aspects associated to the satisfaction of tourists with the destination: access, lodging, facilities and attractions. The construction of the structural equations model corroborated the previous results and evidenced the level of incidence of each factor studied in the overall satisfaction as well as the incidence of each attribute in the factor that integrates. Originality – It is achieved define a structural equations model that represents and explains the relationship between the variables considered in the quality management of a destination and the degree to which they relate to each other and influence the level of satisfaction experienced by tourists

    Approach to the Structuring of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Theoretical Journey

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    El artículo ofrece una aproximación teórica a la estructuración de pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes), centrándose en los elementos clave que influyen en su diseño organizativo y en su éxito a largo plazo. El texto examina los factores externos que afectan a la estructuración de las pymes, como el entorno económico, la industria y los mercados en los que operan. Asimismo, se exploran los elementos internos de la estructuración, incluyendo la definición de la misión, visión y valores de la empresa, así como la elaboración de una estructura organizativa eficiente. Se discuten diferentes enfoques de estructuración, como la estructura funcional, matricial y basada en equipos, y se destacan las ventajas y desafíos asociados con cada una de ellas. Además, se aborda el papel del liderazgo en la estructuración de las pymes y se examinan las habilidades y competencias necesarias para liderar con éxito estas organizaciones en constante cambio. Finalmente, se enfatiza la importancia de la flexibilidad y la capacidad de adaptación en la estructuración de las pymes, ya que estos elementos les permiten responder de manera ágil a los desafíos y oportunidades del entorno empresarial. En conclusión, este recorrido teórico por la estructuración de las pymes destaca la importancia de un enfoque estratégico y adaptativo para lograr su desarrollo sostenible y competitividad en el mercado. El artículo proporciona un marco conceptual útil para investigadores, emprendedores y directivos interesados en comprender y mejorar la estructura organizativa de las pymes.The article provides a theoretical approach to the structuring of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), focusing on the key elements that influence their organizational design and long-term success. The text examines external factors that affect the structuring of SMEs, such as the economic environment, industry, and markets in which they operate. Likewise, the internal elements of structuring are explored, including defining the mission, vision, and values of the company, as well as developing an efficient organizational structure. Different structuring approaches, such as functional, matrix, and team-based structures, are discussed, highlighting the advantages and challenges associated with each. In addition, the role of leadership in the structuring of SMEs is addressed, and the necessary skills and competencies to successfully lead these constantly changing organizations are examined. Finally, the importance of flexibility and adaptability in the structuring of SMEs is emphasized, as these elements enable them to respond agilely to the challenges and opportunities of the business environment. In conclusion, this theoretical journey through the structuring of SMEs highlights the importance of a strategic and adaptive approach to achieve their sustainable development and competitiveness in the market. The article provides a useful conceptual framework for researchers, entrepreneurs, and managers interested in understanding and improving the organizational structure of SMEs

    Variables de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales

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    el valor futuro de las organizaciones viene determinado por sus resultados económicos junto con su nivel de respuesta a las necesidades de la sociedad y los grupos de interés, así como por el tipo de relación que establezcan con el ambiente en el que se desenvuelve e influye. Así, alcanzar altos niveles de responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) se convierte en una necesidad para el éxito empresarial. Este tipo de investigación tiene un enfoque empírico. La investigación se orientó a identificar y validar las variables que condicionan y se relacionan con la RSC. El estudio consideró en su metodología el diseño de un instrumento a partir de investigaciones referenciales, el cual fue aplicado a 778 trabajadores. En el análisis se propuso un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para identificar las asociaciones y relaciones para la RSC. La evaluación de este modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y su validación a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio permitió constatar, como principales conclusiones, que la responsabilidad social corporativa presenta un desarrollo condicionado por un enfoque multidimensional, donde las variables internas de la organización muestran un nivel significativo de correlación con la RSC reconocida por los clientes de la organización, como son el liderazgo, la orientación estratégica, el diseño organizacional, la comunicación, el desarrollo de competencias profesionales, los valores organizacionales y la satisfacción laboral, y guardan una estrecha relación con las investigaciones precedentes.//the future value of organizations depends on the economic performance linked to their level of response to social needs and interest groups, as well as the type of relationship established with the environment in which it develops and influences. Thus, achieving high levels of corporate social responsibility (CSR) becomes a necessity for business success. This type of research is empirical. The research was aimed at identifying and validating the variables that condition and are related to CSR. The study considered in its methodology the design of an instrument based on referential research, which was applied to 778 workers. In the analysis, a structural equation model was proposed to identify associations and relationships for CSR. The evaluation of this model of structural equations and its validation through the confirmatory factorial analysis allowed to verify, as main conclusions, that corporate social responsibility presents a development conditioned by a multidimensional approach, where internal variables of the organization are manifested that show a significant level of correlation with the CSR that the organization’s customers recognize, such as leadership, orientation strategy, organizational design, communication, the development of labor competences, organizational values and job satisfaction, keeping a close relationship with previous research